☀Labor Day Discount + FREE printed book with your order!

🍂 Fall into Music with Our Special Beginners Bundle! 🍂

“I’m 67 and Thought I Would Never Learn to Play Piano … But This Method Made it SO EASY!” 

- Betsy Davis

This Simple Method Works Even If You Have 
No Experience or Talent.

Watch This! 

Watch This!

“I’m 67 and Thought 
I Would Never Learn 
to Play Piano … 
But This Method Made it SO EASY!” 

- Betsy Davis

This Simple Method Works Even If You Have 
No Experience or Talent.

Watch This! 

Watch This!

"I have always wanted to just sit down at the piano and play. I can now just sit at the piano and play songs with no music. I am SOOOOOOO excited!"



"I took three years of piano as a small kid and as a 50+ year old adult have absolutely zero piano talent. If I can do this, anybody can. Amazing program."



"This is the best investment toward learning to play the piano I have ever made. I wish I had this 50 years ago."



"Thanks for doing this! What a huge blessing to members of the church everywhere!"



"My husband came home from work and saw me playing. He said “Are you playing the Piano? This day is full of surprises. You see, in 40 years of marriage I have never played the piano, never. Now I play every day."



"My 11 year old son who has never had a piano lesson in his life is planning on performing for a fireside this week. Thank you so much for bringing all this music into our home!"



Special Bundle Offer!

 7 Free Books Left!

 7 Free Books Left!

First 15 to Enroll Today Also Get a Free Printed Book Shipped Directly to You!

$40 in Value... Free!

Get Our Two Most Popular Courses and a Free Book for Just $39 Bucks!

Offer Ends Tonight!


Special Bundle Offer!

Get Our Two Most Popular Courses and a Free Book for Just $39 Bucks!

Offer Ends Tonight!



Here's What You'll Get...

  • Easy to Follow Guide for Beginners that Will Allow You to Use both Programs Easily
  • ​55 Digital Piano by Pictures Songs You Can Download Instantly
  • 55 Video lessons to Help You Learn the Songs Step By Step
  • Advanced Sections in Each Lesson so You Can Take Your Playing to the Next Level
  • Lessons are the Easiest and Most Popular Lessons from All Piano by Pictures Courses!
  • Help From Dr. Kelly and His Team As You Build Your Skill!

Plus a Printed Bonus Book Shipped Directly to you!


Here's What You'll Get...

  • Easy to Follow Guide for Beginners that Will Allow You to Use both Programs Easily
  • ​55 Digital Piano by Pictures Songs You Can Download Instantly
  • 55 Video lessons to Help You Learn the Songs Step By Step
  • Advanced Sections in Each Lesson so You Can Take Your Playing to the Next Level
  • Lessons are the Easiest and Most Popular Lessons from All Piano by Pictures Courses!
  • Help From Dr. Kelly and His Team As You Build Your Skill!

Plus a Printed Bonus Book Shipped Directly to you!

if you Have Tried and    Failed to Learn Piano... 

if you Have Tried and    Failed to Learn Piano... 



Patricia was just about to turn 83... 

and thought she would never realize her dreams of playing the piano.

(The Moment When Her Dream Became a Reality!)

Patricia was just about to turn 83... 
and thought she would never realize her dreams of playing the piano.

For years she had tried and failed.

She took lessons...

She took classes...

She bought instruction books...

She tried every method and teacher available... but nothing seemed to work.

Patricia is not alone...

(The Moment When Her Dream Became a Reality!)

For years she had tried and failed.

She took lessons...

She took classes...

She bought instruction books...

She tried every method and teacher available... but nothing seemed to work.

Patricia is not alone...

Did you know 85% of the people who try and learn piano, quit within the first year?!

After teaching over 500 students and seeing this pattern over and over...I've had enough.

Hello... I'm Dr. Kelly. 
Professor of Piano. The red headed big guy on the left.

Hello... I'm Dr. Kelly. 
Professor of Piano. The red headed big guy on the left.

Actually... My university students call me Dr. Kelly... but you can just call me Ryan if you'd like. 😃 

Actually... My university students call me Dr. Kelly... but you can just call me Ryan if you'd like. 😃 

After I earned a bachelors, masters, and then a doctorate in piano ― and in my first few years of teaching (taught over 500 students), I started to notice some patterns. Patterns that made me question everything. I saw lots of problems with traditional teaching methods. But the main one was... Most People Tried, then Quit in Frustration.

When I discovered the REAL REASON Piano Learning Was So Difficult... It was so simple I couldn't believe I hadn't seen it all along.

After wrestling with this problem... I discovered a Simple New Way to Learn Piano...

Everything Changed!

When I first tried this new method of learning with Patricia... Neither of us could believe her success!

"I understood what you were doing almost instantly...This simple approach was all I needed! I now enjoy playing the songs I love every single day. My only regret was that I wish I hadn't discovered this sooner!" 

"I understood what you were doing almost instantly...This simple approach was all I needed! I now enjoy playing the songs I love every single day. My only regret was that I wish I hadn't discovered this sooner!" 

- Patricia Bennet

- Patricia Bennet

I started trying this method with my other students... and whether they were children, teenagers, or adults, the results were amazing!

I started trying this method with my other students... and whether they were children, teenagers, or adults, the results were amazing!

So WHY Do Most People FAIL? 
And What Made It Possible For Patricia And All These Students To Succeed?

The reason most people fail is actually NOT what you think!

It's NOT because they aren't talented...

It's NOT because they don't practice...

It's because people try and learn piano the HARDEST WAY POSSIBLE.


Trying to to learn piano with sheet music is like trying to dig your way out of a hole with a spoon.

It takes years to become proficient... and even more years to master.

So the truth is... unless you're committed for years and years of learning and practicing... you'll probably never learn piano. 😞

And because most people don't have the time and patience... they quit in frustration.

So the truth is... unless you're committed for years and years of learning and practicing... you'll probably never learn piano. 😞

And because most people don't have the time and patience... they quit in frustration.

Want To Play That Song You Love?


If you use sheet music, not without a gazillion hours of practice.

Play for your friends and family?

Not if you try and learn like the 85% of the people who fail.

So What's The Solution?

Get rid of sheet music... and Just use Pictures!

Because With "Piano by Pictures"... Everything is much EASIER!

How has Patricia and many others learned in days what others have failed to learn in years?

Actually... it's so simple you can see it in the name...

We teach Piano... by Pictures!

Instead of using traditional music notation that takes YEARS to learn... We spell everything out with simple pictures that are easy to comprehend on sight!

Even if you know nothing about music or the piano.

If You Learn With Piano by Pictures You'll...

Use the Unique Picture Notation to See Results Almost Instantly, Usually in About 10 Minutes

​Use Our Video Lessons and Follow Along So You Know Step By Step Exactly How to Easily Play Any Song

​Use Advanced Sections of Lessons to Take Piano by Pictures a Step Further and Learn to Sound like a Pro!

​Learn the Basic Music Theory That Will Unlock 90% of the Songs that You Want to Learn How to Play

​Get Personal Help From Dr. Kelly, a Piano Professor and Creator of "Piano by Pictures" so That You Know You Are on the Right Track!

Special Bundle Offer!

Get Our Two Most Popular Courses and a Free Book for Just $39 Bucks!

Offer Ends Tonight!


☀Labor Day Discount + FREE printed book with your order!

These are just some of the messages  we get from our students just days after starting Piano By Pictures programs!

"Downloaded Your Program On Monday And 3 Days Later... My 7 Year Old Has Already Taught Himself How Great Thou Art and Is Working on 4 Others. Thank You So Much!"

Jaime Brooker

Watch Melissa sit down and play for the first time... 

"Oh my Gosh I'm going to finally learn how to play piano! I'm going to get this."

Melissa Holland

Watch Melissa sit down and play for the first time... 

"Oh my Gosh I'm going to finally learn how to play piano! I'm going to get this."

Melissa Holland

Piano by Pictures notation Brings Instant Gratification. After just 10 minutes you can play a song all the way through!

Ricky Reinle

My husband came home from work and saw me playing. He said “are you playing the Piano? This day is full of surprises. You see, in 40 years of marriage I have never played the piano, never. Now I play every day :)

Wendy Laterza

I have always wanted to just sit down at the piano and play. I can now just sit at the piano and play songs with no music. I am SOOOOOOO excited!   

Janet Williams

My 11 year old son who has never had a piano lesson in his life is planning on performing for a fireside this week. Thank you so much for bringing all this music into our home!

Danee Davis

I took three years of piano as a small kid and as a 50+yr old adult have absolutely zero piano talent.If I can do this, anybody can. Amazing program. - Bob Meek.

Bob Meek

This is the best investment toward learning to play the piano I have ever made. I wish I had this 50 years ago.

Kay Warren

Thank you for doing this! What a huge blessings to members of the church everywhere!

Karen Gustavson

Using "Gospel on the Go" A Piano by Pictures Program

Rebecca Smith

Pastor Jim Chandlier

Your method of teaching is exactly what I needed to learn the piano in a way that worked for me. My wife and kids and my brothers are ALL amazed at how well I can play.

Matt Dillard

Your method of teaching is exactly what I needed to learn the piano in a way that worked for me. My wife and kids and my brothers are ALL amazed at how well I can play.

Matt Dillard

But you don't have to TAKE my  WORD for it...

Why Don't You Sit Down at the Piano and Try it Yourself!

Try this Lesson... It Only Takes About 90 Seconds And You Will See Why Piano by Pictures Works!

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

O.K... Honesty Time

I have to be honest with you.

When I discovered "Piano by Pictures" I never intended to share it with the world.

My teaching was in demand to the point where I was able to charge $250 per lesson to teach this skill.

But eventually... I started running out of time.

The demand for this style of learning was too high...

So Here's Where You Come in...

So when I recorded my first "Piano by Pictures" program and enrolled 873 students in the first month...

I knew it was time to share it with the world.

Most of these new students loved that they could easily learn this method, without paying my $250/Hr Fee.

You are probably wondering what it would cost to at least try this program and see if it works for you...

In the past, the minimum price for any one of my courses has been $87.

A Few Months I Decided to Try Something Crazy...

I started practically giving my Piano by Pictures Starter
Set away for Just $39!

Ever since this huge reduction in price we have had students enrolling by the thousands!

***Accurate depiction of Piano by Pictures students when I reduced the price.

But Guess What?!

Today you can get a gift absolutely Free!

☀Labor Day Discount + FREE printed book with your order!

Here's What You Get for FREE!

Special Bundle Offer!

Get Our Two Most Popular Courses and a Free Book for Just $39 Bucks!

Offer Ends Tonight!



Here's What You'll Get...

  • Easy to Follow Guide for Beginners that Will Allow You to Use both Programs Easily
  • ​55 Digital Piano by Pictures Songs You Can Download Instantly
  • 55 Video lessons to Help You Learn the Songs Step By Step
  • Advanced Sections in Each Lesson so You Can Take Your Playing to the Next Level
  • Lessons are the Easiest and Most Popular Lessons from All Piano by Pictures Courses!
  • Help From Dr. Kelly and His Team As You Build Your Skill!

Plus a Printed Bonus Book Shipped Directly to you!

You May be Wondering...

 Can I Really Learn Piano Without Expensive Piano Lessons?

Our Students discover that because of the method we use, learning with "Piano by Pictures," is actually EASIER than another way. Even easier than having your own piano teacher!

 That's crazy! How could this program be better than even a teacher?

You can do the course on your own time, without the hassle of leaving your house or committing to a schedule.

Piano by Pictures Method isn't used by 99% of the piano teachers out there, and is proven to teach students WAY faster than traditional Methods.

 Do I have to be a technological whiz to use Piano by Pictures?

No! If you have read this far, have ever used Facebook, and can login to an email you have more than enough knowledge to use Piano by Pictures!

 If this program can teach me to play piano... why is it so affordable?

To be honest... I should charge way more for this program. The results it gives our students are amazing. 

But the truth is I am hoping that you will love it so much that you will soon want to enroll in the Piano by Pictures Academy, a membership with hundreds of lessons just like these and much much more.

 What if for whatever reason Piano by Pictures doesn't work for me?

No problem! All of our programs have a 30-Day no questions asked money back guarantee. You can literally try this risk free!

Special Bundle Offer!

Get Our Two Most Popular Courses and a Free Book for Just $39 Bucks!

Offer Ends Tonight!


I Can't wait to welcome you to the Piano by Pictures Family! 

"Downloaded Your Program On Monday And 3 Days Later... My 7 Year Old Has Already Taught Himself How Great Thou Art and Is Working on 4 Others. Thank You So Much!"

Jaime Brooker

My husband came home from work and saw me playing. He said “are you playing the Piano? This day is full of surprises. You see, in 40 years of marriage I have never played the piano, never. Now I play every day :)

Wendy Laterza

I have always wanted to just sit down at the piano and play. I can now just sit at the piano and play songs with no music. I am SOOOOOOO excited!   

Janet Williams

My 11 year old son who has never had a piano lesson in his life is planning on performing for a fireside this week. Thank you so much for bringing all this music into our home!

Danee Davis

I took three years of piano as a small kid and as a 50+yr old adult have absolutely zero piano talent.If I can do this, anybody can. Amazing program. - Bob Meek.

Bob Meek

This is the best investment toward learning to play the piano I have ever made. I wish I had this 50 years ago.

Kay Warren

Thank you for doing this! What a huge blessings to members of the church everywhere!

Karen Gustavson


"Using This Concept I Have Helped Hundreds of Students, even those With No Previous Piano Experience, Learn To Play the The Piano Simply And Beautifully."

- Dr. Ryan Kelly

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